Goal: How to Set JVM Heap Size for XWand ToolKit
Fact: XWand ToolKit v13.0.3 or higher versions
A batch file called optionsetup.bat is introduced in XWand ToolKit v13.0.3 or higher versions for setting JVM (Java Virtual Machine) heap size prior to running various XWand Tools.
To edit the default settings, do the following:
Step 1: Locate optionsetup.bat, typically found in
c:\Program Files (x86)\ISXWand\XWand-tk\tools
Step 2: Edit optionsetup.bat with an editor such as notepad.exe
Below is the default contents:
SET JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx800m -Xms256m -XX:MaxPermSize=80m -Xss2m
Typically, you are only needed to edit the initial heap size -Xms and the maximum heap size -Xmx for loading large size of taxonomy files or instance document.
For more information about setting the JVM heap size options, please refer JVM documentation on tuning performance.