Interstage BPM Advanced Edition v8.1 Build 123

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Create by Shikha Srivastava | September 20, 2012 | Last updated by Neal Wang October 2, 2012 (view change)


Interstage Business Process Manager Advanced Edition 8.1

July 2007

Thank you for choosing Interstage Business Process Manager! This file contains the following contents:

The products described in this guide are abbreviated as follows: "Interstage Business Process Manager" is abbreviated as "Interstage BPM", "ARIS Process Performance Manager" is abbreviated as "ARIS PPM".

1. Interstage BPM CD Contents

The Interstage BPM CD consists of the following directory structure:

  (CD Root)
    +-- InterstageBPM_AE8.1_ReleaseNotes.htm (This file)
    +-- docs\
    |  +-- AdministrationGuide.pdf   (Administration Guide)
    |  +-- DevelopersGuide.pdf       (Developer's Guide)
    |  +-- InstallationGuide_AE.pdf  (Installation Guide)
    |  +-- StudioUserGuide.pdf       (Studio User's Guide)
    |  +-- UsersGuide.pdf            (User's Guide)
    |  +-- PPMIntegrationGuide.pdf   (ARIS PPM Integration Guide)
    |  +-- ecma-262.pdf              (ECMAScript Language Specification)
    |  +-- apidocs\                  
    |     +-- index.html             (Javadoc)
    |     +-- ...                    
    +-- install\
    |  +-- setupwin32.exe            (Interstage BPM Installer for Windows)
    |  +-- setupSolaris.bin          (Interstage BPM Installer for Solaris)
    |  +-- setupLinux.bin            (Interstage BPM Installer for Linux)
    |  +-- setupaix.bin              (Interstage BPM Installer for AIX)
    |  +-- ...
    +-- studio\
       +-- setup.exe                 (Interstage BPM Studio installer)
       +-- Readme.txt                (Interstaeg BPM Studio readme file)
       +-- ...

2. Interstage BPM User Documentation

Interstage BPM provides the following set of user documentation:

  • Installation Guide
  • Administration Guide
  • Developer's Guide
  • Studio User's Guide
  • User's Guide
  • ARIS Process Performance Manager Integration Guide
  • Javadoc (API reference)
  • Online help for the Console, Administration Facility, and Studio

The guides are provided in PDF format, Javadoc and online help are provided in HTML format. To read PDF files, you can download the Adobe Reader for free from .

3. Software Requirements

  1. Certified Combinations for Server: Interstage BPM supports many operating systems, databases, and directory servers. The following platform combinations are certified by Fujitsu.

    1. Windows 2003 + SQL Server 2005 + Active Directory 2003
    2. Windows 2003 + SQL Server 2005 + NT Native Directory 2003
    3. Windows 2003 + SQL Server 2005 + CentraSite 2.2 URM (Windows; local)
    4. Windows 2003 + Oracle 10g R2 + Sun Java System Directory 5.1
    5. Solaris 9 + Oracle 10g R2 + Sun Java System Directory 5.1
    6. Solaris 9 + SQL Server 2000 + Sun Java System Directory 5.1
    7. Solaris 10 + Oracle 10g R2 + Sun Java System Directory 5.1
    8. Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.0 + Oracle 10g R2 + Sun Java System Directory 5.1
    9. AIX + Oracle 10g R2 + Sun Java System Directory 5.1

    (1) See the "Minimum Software Requirements for ..." sections below for the full product names, the precise software editions, versions or service packs.
      For 1-4, please refer to “2. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on Windows”.
      For 5-7, please refer to “3. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on Solaris”.
      For 8, please refer to “4. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on Linux”.
      For 9, please refer to “5. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on AIX”.
    (2) Only English software versions are supported.
    (3) For the latest information on certified combinations, supported versions or service packs of the products, contact your local Fujitsu Support organization.

  2. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on Windows
    • Operating System - one of the following:
      • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition SP2 (x32)
      • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition SP2 (x32)

      Note: The hostname (computer name) of the computer where Interstage BPM Server will be installed must not contain underscores (_).

    • Database - one of the following:
      • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition SP1
      • Oracle 10g R2 Standard Edition / Standard Edition One / Enterprise Edition (Windows version)
    • Directory Server - one of the following:
      • Sun Java System Directory Server 5.1
      • Microsoft Active Directory (Windows 2003)
      • NT Native Directory (Windows 2003)
      • CentraSite 2.2 URM (Windows version) combined with NT Native Directory or Microsoft Active Directory

      Note: NT Native Directory and CentraSite URM must be installed on the same computer as the Interstage BPM Server.

    • Java Environment
      • J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 Update 10
  3. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on Solaris
    • Operating System - one of the following:
      • Solaris 9 Operating System for SPARC Platforms (64bit)
      • Solaris 10 Operating System for SPARC Platforms (64bit)
    • Database - one of the following:
      • Oracle 10g R2 Standard Edition / Standard Edition One / Enterprise Edition (Solaris version)
      • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition SP4
    • Directory Server
      • Sun Java System Directory Server 5.1
    • Java Environment
      • J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 Update 10
  4. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on Linux
    • Operating System
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4.0 (x86)
    • Database
      • Oracle 10g R2 Standard Edition / Standard Edition One / Enterprise Edition (Linux version)
    • Directory Server
      • Sun Java System Directory Server 5.1
    • Java Environment
      • J2SE Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 Update 10
  5. Minimum Software Requirements for Server on AIX
    • Operating System
      • AIX 5L V5.3 (POWER 64bit)
    • Database
      • Oracle 10g R2 Standard Edition / Standard Edition One / Enterprise Edition (AIX version)
    • Directory Server
      • Sun Java System Directory Server 5.1
    • Java Environment
      • IBM JDK 1.5.0
  6. Minimum Software Requirements for Clients
    • Operating System
      • Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2
      • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition SP2 (x32)
      • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition / Enterprise Edition SP2 (x32)
    • Web Browser
      • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1
  7. Minimum Software Requirements for Studio: Please refer to the Readme.txt of Interstage BPM Studio.
  8. SVG Viewer: To correctly display process definition graphics on Administration Facility, you need to install an SVG viewer into your browser. You can get an SVG viewer from the Adobe web site. Adobe SVG Viewer 3.02 works well with this version of Interstage BPM.

4. Hardware Requirements

Please refer to the Interstage Business Process Manager Installation Guide.

5. Installation and Uninstallation

Please refer to the Interstage Business Process Manager Installation Guide for the system requirements and detailed instructions on how to install and uninstall Interstage Business Process Manager. To get started with Interstage Business Process Manager after installation, we suggest that you first take a look at Chapter 2 "Using the Administration Facility" in the Interstage Business Process Manager Administration Guide.

Note: Concerning security issues, please read "Appendix A Security" in the Interstage Business Manager Installation Guide as well as the following additional information.
(1) After installation Interstage BPM Server is configured for running in "Demo Mode". You should switch the mode to "Security Mode" using the SecuritySwitch property in the file. Refer to "Appendix A File" in the Interstage Business Process Manager Administration Guide for details.
(2) 'Logon as a batch job' user right (privilege) is given to the Interstage Business Process Manager administrator account, typically 'ibpm_server1', which is created during the installation process. (on Windows platforms)
(3) Fujitsu strongly recommends you not to use words found in dictionaries for any password. Also, easy-to-guess passwords such as real name, phone number, birthday and so on should not be used.

When you want to install Interstage BPM Studio, which is a standalone process design tool, please refer to the Readme.txt file in the studio directory of the Interstage BPM CD for the system requirements and instructions on how to install and uninstall Interstage BPM Studio. Please refer to the the Interstage Business Process Manager Studio User's Guide for the usage of Interstage BPM Studio. Please note that Interstage BPM Studio itself can be used in a Windows environment only, but you can download/upload from/to an Interstage BPM Server running on an other operating system.

6. Known Issues

Notes for upgrading:

  1. Upgrading from Previous Version: While upgrading from a previous Interstage BPM Advanced Edition version (prior to 8.1 (this version)), it is necessary to provide the same ‘Database non-administrator user name’ that was already used in the earlier version. You can confirm the name by looking at the value of the DBALoginName property in \bin\ or Please note down the DBALoginName value before uninstalling the previous version.

    Common issues :

  2. Installation (1): Do not use more than one '$' character in passwords that you enter during an Interstage BPM installation. For example, "mypa$sword" is valid, whereas "mypa$$word" is not. The Interstage BPM installer will not display an error message. However, after the installation, you will not be able to log in to the corresponding system.

  3. Installation (2): If the "JDK" directory path contains space, Interstage BPM installation will fail. Please setup JDK to the directory of which the directory path does not contain any spaces.

  4. Installation (3): When Interstage BPM Server and Interstage BPM Clients are installed on different machines, Decision Tables are not working. Workaround: Please manually adjust the parameters 'DefaultFileName' and 'ActiveDtmFileName' in the file \taskmanager\iflowjsp\jsp\ on client side for pointing to the files ActiveDtm.dat and dtm.dat in the specified attachment folder on server side.

  5. Starting Interstage BPM Server after installation: You must perform directory setup to import the iFlowLDAPAdd.ldif file BEFORE starting Interstage BPM Server. Otherwise, starting Interstage BPM Server will fail. Please refer to "4.2 Setting Up Microsoft Active Directory" for Microsoft Active Directory or "4.3 Setting Up Sun Java System Directory Server" for Sun Java System Directory Server.

  6. Uninstallation (1): When uninstallation failed for some reasons, use the following workaround.
    [For Windows platforms]
    IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.
    1. Delete the Gen1 directory from C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Universal\common\
    2. Delete the registry keys under the following registry location:
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Fujitsu\Install\Interstage BPM Server\
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Fujitsu\Install\Interstage BPM Clients\
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Fujitsu\Install\Interstage BPM DBConfig Tool\
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Interstage Business Process Manager 8.1\
    3. Delete the Interstage BPM directory and remove its shortcut too.
    [For UNIX and Linux platforms]
    1. Delete the Gen1 directory from /InstallShield/Universal/common/ for UNIX and Linux platforms
    2. Delete the Interstage BPM directory
    3. On a Solaris platform, remove the Interstage BPM-related packages which are installed. The procedure for removing the packages is as mentioned below:
    4. Create a file ibpm.uninst with some contents in the /tmp location.
    5. Execute the commands “pkgrm FJSVibpm” and “pkgrm FJSVibpmc”for removing the Interstaeg BPM server and client packages
    6. Delete the file ibpm.uninst from /tmp.
  7. Uninstallation (2): When the vpd.script file (in /InstallShield/Universal/common/Gen1/_vpddb/ for UNIX, C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Universal\common\Gen1\_vpddb/ for Windows) was corrupted for some reasons, uninstallation will fail. In such a case, use the workaround described in "Uninstallation (1)".

  8. UDA Variable Names (1): If a UDA shall be used within a Trigger, it must not contain any other characters than: 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9' and '_'. Blanks are also not allowed.

  9. UDA Variable Names (2): The Interstage Business Process Manager User's Guide states that non-ASCII characters cannot be used for UDA Variables names. In fact, in certain situations, you are allowed to use non-ASCII characters in the name of the UDA, but when you do, you must keep a couple of restrictions in mind. There are actually "two names" for every UDA: the descriptive name and the identifier name. The one that you specify for the UDA is a descriptive name and can contain any characters. The other, the identifier name, must contain only ASCII letters('a'-'z', 'A'-'Z'), numerals ('0'-'9'), and underscores ('_'). The identifier name is formed by taking the descriptive name and removing all of the characters except for ASCII letters, numerals, and underscores. For example, if you create a UDA with a descriptive name "Service, External", it will automatically be assigned the identifier name of "ServiceExternal".
    Users don't usually see the identifier name of a UDA variable, but it is used in the JavaScript environment and in web pages to identify the UDA. Care must be taken to avoid having two UDA variables with the same identifier name. For example, if you create the UDA above, and you also create a UDA named "Service--External", this latter UDA will have the same identifier name as the first, and the system will in certain situations assign the value to the wrong UDA variable. If you create a UDA with a name that consists entirely of non-ASCII characters, then the identifier name will be empty, and this will not work at all. You must have some ASCII letters, and the letters must be unique across UDAs. In this release, the Studio and the Process Designer cannot handle names that consist entirely of non-ASCII characters, so such settings are difficult to accomplish without using the API directly.

  10. Optimized Worklist UDA: If you chose Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as database, you cannot use optimzed worklist UDAs. This is because Microsoft SQL Server 2000 has a limitation of record size (8K). Therefore the following method always returns an empty array:
        DataItem[] WFAdminSession.getOptimizedWorkListUDAs();

  11. Agents: If an agent is not able to complete its task successfully within the number of attempts specified in the agentsConfig.xml file as parameter 'EscalationInterval' any further attempt will be prevented. The process instance this agent belongs to is set to the error state. In case an FTPAgent is used and an exception occurs during its execution the system will automatically catch the exception and retry to invoke the agent again, as long as no escalation is necessary. The corresponding process instance is only put to the error state if the number of agent invocations exceeds the specified escalation limit. The information on the caught exception is not stored in the UDAs specified in the file ftp.xml as parameters 'ServiceStatusUDA' and 'ServiceResultUDA'.

  12. Java Actions: To run the Remote Command Invoker Java Action, \bin\StartJACommandServer.bat needs to be changed as follows.
    [OLD] start "JACommandServer" %JDK_HOME% %1 %2
    [NEW] start "JACommandServer" %JDK_HOME%\jre\bin\java %1 %2

  13. Administration Facility: In the "Search Filter Criteria" page of the "Process Instances" tab, if you press the 'Enter' key while the cursor placed in any text field or any check box, the calendar will pop up. To close the calendar, click the 'x' button or press the 'Esc' key. If you click a date in the calendar, it is entered in the "Date - From" field.

  14. BPM Console (Handling of Spaces in Search Conditions): In the Console, in several forms spaces are not handled correctly in search conditions such as name and date. Workaround: Remove unnecessary spaces in search conditions.

  15. BPM Console (Handling of Decimal Separators): Currently integer values are not handled consistently in the Task Manager. In some situations decimal separators are removed. Thus, if “20.0” is specified for an integer UDA, “200” will be stored in the database. Workaround: Don’t use decimal separators for integer UDA values.

  16. BPM Console (Decision Tables): After setting the ForceDeploy property in the file to true, it won't be set back to false automatically. So it has to be reverted to false manually.

  17. ARIS PPM integration (1): You need to install ARIS PPM into a directory which does not contain spaces in the directory path. This is an ARIS PPM issue, and you will get a warning message with ARIS PPM 4.0.1 installer if the installation directory path contains spaces.

  18. ARIS PPM integratio (2): ARIS PPM supports a maximum of 100 characters for dimension values. If you try to import process instances from Interstage BPM having dimension values with more than 100 characters, import errors may occur. To prevent these errors, you are recommended to change the ARIS PPM import configuration as follows:
    1. Edit the database configuration file: /config/ibpm/
    2. Change the settings of the parameters TRUNCATE_DIMENSION_STRING and TRUNCATE_DIMENSION_MARK as follows:
      TRUNCATE_DIMENSION_MARK=#ERROR: Too many characters

      With these settings, dimension values and descriptions exceeding 100 characters are replaced by the string defined in TRUNCATE_DIMENSION_MARK during the import. Make sure that the length of this string does not exceed 100 characters.
  19. XPDL 2.0 support: XPDL 2.0 requires that any XML tags nested inside an extended attribute tag must be declared to be in a namespace other than the default "xpdl" namespace. Previous versions of Interstage BPM have not enforced this. The current release upgrades the behavior in two ways to conform to the XML standard:
    1. Namespace declarations and tag name prefixes will be preserved when an extended attribute is copied between an XPDL file and Interstage BPM internal extended attribute values. Thus if you read a valid XPDL file with namespace qualified extended attribute tags, you will now receive those namespace declarations and prefixes when you export XPDL (Administration Facility, BPM Console, Studio) files or call getExtendedAttributes (Model API).
    2. In order to guarantee that the XPDL is valid, if an extended attribute tag has a child tag that is NOT namespace qualified, then the "ibpm" prefix will be added to that tag, so that the tag will properly be considered part of the ibpm namespace. The XPDL schema simply says that the namespace must be something other than "xpdl", so the choice of "ibpm" is an arbitrary choice necessary to make the file valid according the XML Schema rules. Again, this will only be added when a tag is missing a required prefix.
    The above changes are necessary to allow the Interstage BPM system to comply correctly with XML, XML Schema, and XPDL standards. If your program is reading extended attributes, and parsing the XML, you may need to change your program to account for namespace prefixes that you were not getting in earlier versions.

    Windows-specific issues:

  20. CentraSite URM as directory (1): During the CentraSite installation you need to specify a CentraSite Administrator user who is also an Operating System Administrator (a member of the Administrators group). In a Windows 2000 environment, the user must be included in the 'Act as part of the operating system' policy. You can check this using Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.

  21. CentraSite URM as directory (2): During the CentraSite installation the domain name of the installing user seems to be wrong if the Actice Directory Server is configured to have a different domain name for "pre Windows 2000" domains. The authentication uses the 2000/XP domain name, but the installation enters the pre Windows 2000 domain name.
    Thus, if "user1" is the local user ID of the installing user and "AAA" is the pre Windows 2000 domain name and "BBB" is the new domain name, the installation currently will add the user "AAA\USER1" to the CentraSiteAdmin role instead of "BBB\USER1".
    To add "BBB\USER1" to the CentraSiteAdmin group, issue the following request via an HTTP client on the machine where the CentraSite Application Server Tier is running:
    Make sure that the domain name and the user ID are all in upper-case. When prompted for a user ID and password please use "DefaultUser" / "PwdFor_CS21". (SAGSIS P280912)

  22. CentraSite URM as directory (3): If you are using CentraSite URM as directory and changed the computer name, you need to reinstall CentraSite.

    Common issues during development:

  23. Parallel operations: If one or more of the following operations is executed in the same session (WFSession/WFAdminSession) while getting the process instance history, wrong result could be returned.
      - ProcessInstance.getHistory(int[]) // Retrieve all history records of this process instance.
    Remedy: Please execute the operations above after getting the process instance history. Please don't reuse the IflowEnumeration which was used for retrieving the history.

7. API Reference Supplements

7.1 Custom Directory APIs

Javadoc (API Reference) contains the information about the following packages for custom directory APIs.
The Interstage Business Process Manager Developer's Guide does not describe how to use the APIs. When you create your own custom directory adapter using the APIs, please contact your local Fujitsu Support Organization.

7.2 Deprecated Methods

The following methods in the Model API have been deprecated in this release. It is not recommended to use these methods in the future, for backward compatibility they have been retained.

public class ModelException extends Exception
    // Please use method getCause() instead.
    public Throwable getSource();
    // Please use the Java standard method "Throwable.getCause() instead.
    public Throwable getCause();

public interface ProcessInstance
    // This field is not used on neither server nor model side.
    public final static int STATE_OPEN;
    // Please use constant HISTORY_ISHANDLED_CODE instead.
    public final static int HISTORY_ISHANDLED;

public interface WFObjectList
    // This method is only supported in normal list mode. Instead of using the
    // normal list mode it is recommended to use the batched mode.
    public Object getObject(long id);

public interface DocRepository
    // This method is no longer required since files that are stored on the
    // server can be directly retrieved from the server, e.g. via the method
    // getDocument.
    public String pathToLocalHostFormat(String path);

8. Restrictions

There are no restrictions.

Appendix A High Risk Activity

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Product is designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, general office use, personal use, household use, and ordinary industrial use, but is not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could lead directly to death,personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (hereinafter "High Safety Required Use"), including without limitation, nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system. The Customer shall not use the Product without securing the sufficient safety required for the High Safety Required Use. In addition, Fujitsu (or other affiliate's name) shall not be liable against the Customer and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with the High Safety Required Use of the Product.

Appendix B Acknowledgements

  • This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (
  • This product includes software developed by the JDOM Project (
  • This product includes Eclipse SDK 3.1.1 and Graphical Editing Framework 3.1.1 developed by the Eclipse Foundation ( Eclipse SDK 3.1.1 includes software developed by the MX4J project (
  • This product includes WSDL4J. WSDL4J is licensed under IBM Common Public License. You can obtain the source code on demand. Contact your local Fujitsu Support organization when you need the source code.
  • This product includes UDDI4J. UDDI4J is licensed under IBM Public License. You can obtain the source code on demand. Contact your local Fujitsu Support organization when you need the source code.
  • This product includes CUP Parser Generator for Java.
  • This product includes Tanuki Software Java Service Wrapper.

Appendix C The Apache Software License

Please refer attached "Appendix C"

Appendix D License of JDOM

Please refer attached "Appendix D"

Appendix E Eclipse Public License

Please refer attached "Appendix E"

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