Interstage XWand Server Runtime V12.01

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Create by Shikha Srivastava | September 20, 2012 | Last updated by Neal Wang October 2, 2012 (view change)

** **
** Interstage XWand Runtime V12.0.1 **
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** Release notes **
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** Fujitsu Limited, December 2011 **
** **

The release notes contain details of the range of support provided by the
latest specification.

1. The influences for supporting XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition

This product has been compatible with the evolving XML Schema specification.
From V8.0, this product is compatible with "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second
Edition", which is published in the following URL:

As a result of changes to the XML Schema specification, the description of the
gMonth data type has changed.
Details of the changes are as follows:

--MM-- : MM represents "month".

--MM : MM represents "month".

Refer to the following URL for more details.


If your programs or the tools in this software load an instance which includes
the value of gMonth data type not compatible to "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
Second Edition", a validation error occurs for the value of gMonth data type.

For details of the differences in API specification, refer to the section
"Changes in API Specifications" in the "XBRL Processor Development Guide"
included in Interstage XWand Application Developer V12.

2. The influences for supporting XBRL 2.1 specification errata

This product has been compatible with the evolving XBRL 2.1 specification.
From the V7.1,this product is compatible with the Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL).

2.1 RECOMMENDATION - 2003-12-31 with errata which is published in the following

To support erratum number 013 written therein, the calculation logic for the
CalculationLink element is different from the V7.0. Details are as follows:

[V7.0 or previous]
A) When the calculated value according to the CalculationLink and the value of
an instance are different:
For the following conditions, the calculation is executed assuming that 0 is set.
- A given node has multiple children in CalculationLink.
- There are above elements which has no value in instance.
In this condition, no error is reported even if the value and the calculation
value of the node are different.

B) Calculation logic
In the case where a given node has both its parent and one or more child nodes
in CalculationLink, if instance has no value of the node, calculated value from
the children is used to calculate for the parent.

[V7.1 and later]
A) When the calculated value according to the CalculationLink and the value of
an instance are different:
For the following conditions, the calculation is executed assuming that 0 is set.
- A given node has multiple children in CalculationLink.
- There are above elements which has no value in instance.
In this condition, an error is reported if the value and the calculation value of
the node are different.

B) Calculation logic
In the case where a given node has both its parent and one or more child nodes
in CalculationLink, if an instance has no value of the node, the calculation for
the parent is executed as the value of the node is not set.


As for the difference B) in writing application programs, you can select the
previous calculation logic using the API. For more details of the differences
in API specification, refer to the "Changes in API Specifications" section in
the "XBRL Processor Development Guide" included in Interstage XWand Application
Developer V12.0.

No influence.

- XBRL, is a trademark or service mark of XBRL International, Inc., registered
in the United States and in other countries.

Copyright 2011 FUJITSU LIMITED

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