May 25, 2011 2:41:31 AM PDT
Leslie and msinghania,
UDAs which were not trackable are not kept in Flow DB.
There is no way to migrate nonexistent data.
Past UDAs only which were trackable can be collected by using Maintenance Flow Sensor.
Alternatively, if you have backup of UDA history as RDB table or Text file, you can create chart by using RDB/Text Sensor.
> Analytics has a connection past log setting that is supposed to fetch data for old instances, has anybody tried it? can we use it to fetch data once we have marked all the UDAs as worklist and trackable??
Once you marks UDAs trackable, Interstage BPM starts to store UDAs in historical database. However, past UDAs which were not marked as trackable yet are not in historical database. So, you can't get past UDAs if you weren't marked as trackable.
Author: yuukitada