Is there a way to control validation in Interstage BPM V11.1 QuickForm depending on what choice/button is clicked? I have a requirement where if Reject button is clicked, rejection reason is mandatory.
Form calls checkSubmit() on any button clicks and same set of validation checks is done. I checked the function in common.js and I couldn’t find a way to identify which button is clicked.
Author: null
In the 11.x Interstage BPM console, the make choice buttons are not part of the form anymore as it used to be earlier with the AD forms. MakeChoice controls are not buttons, instead they are <DIV> elements. You can identify the choice by querying the value attribute of the <DIV> tag. Look at the makechoice(action) JavaScript function in the jsptasktaskdetails.jsp
hope this helps.
Author: Keith Swenson