Title: Resetting Users List is Sufficient
Fact: Interstage BPM (Business Process Manager) V11.4.1
Fact: Microsoft Active Directory
Fact: BPM Local Store
Fact: Interstage BPM Console System Administration for User and Group Management
Fact: Interstage BPM Model API method
Fact: Interstage BPM Model API method com.fujitsu.iflow.model.workflow.WFAdminSession.resetLDAPUsersList()
Resetting both cached groups and users can be redundant and adding unnecessary operation to server caching of groups.
BPM Model API allows refreshing groups and users kept in server cache.
Specifically, to update caching of users in server memory is done via model API method
while updating cache of groups in server memory is done via model API method
In BPM Console System Administration page, the context operation for users and groups is available to invoke the API method mentioned above.
For details, refer to Console documentation https://interstagebpm.com/console/web/help/Console/t_UserOperations.html for refreshing users list from Directory;
refer to https://interstagebpm.com/console/web/help/Console/t_GroupOperations.html for refreshing groups list either locally or remotely from LDAP.
What needs to be kept in mind is that resetting the users list is actually resetting both caches for users and groups,
while resetting the groups will only update the cache for the groups whether local or remote.
Therefore, updating users list is sufficient and there is no need to explicitly update groups list in cache again.