iBPM 11.2.X
Problem: When developer want to load a web page (https://www.interstagebpm.com/console/EDHYMGVEG/FNOL/getTaskListDisplay.page) from Interstage BPM console to their own website, Interstage BPM iframe page unable to load properly.
Root Cause: Due to Browser security settings that prevent cross-domain requests between iframes, the browser will generate permission denied error whenever window.parent is called from child iframe. For example, child iframe with domain B requesting parent frame with domain A causes permission error, Internet Explorer will stop compiling Javascript at setIFrameSize(ifr) function.
Solution: comment out line 157, 158 and 163 in web/js/tabcontent.js to skip the request for parent frame properties to prevent permission error. Different page may use different javascript to render the web page, Error Console in FireFox is a helpful tool to troubleshoot this problem.
function setIFrameSize(ifr)
ifr.contentWindow.resizeContainer =
}, 100);