The US-GAAP default labels are defined in the label linkbases "elts/us-gaap-lab-20XX-XX-XX.xml" or "elts/us-gaap-doc-20XX-XX-XX.xml".
If these labels need to be displayed, please import them.
The procedure is as follows.
1. Open a taxonomy schema (e.g. ptp-20120331.xsd) which is
referenced from an instance (e.g. ptp-20120331.xml) 2. Select the menu "File > Import Taxonomy".
3. Check "Specify linkbase files" in the dialog.
4. Push "Add HTTP Path" in the "Linkbase" area, and add URLs of the label linkbases.
Please note that a remote path must be specified here.
... (other linkbases if required) ...
5. Push "OK".
6. Save the taxonomy and close TE.
7. Open the instance, and US-GAAP default labels are displayed.
Author: Neal Wang