March 14, 2012 4:29:13 AM PDT
IBPM Version: 11.1x
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Application Server: JBoss 4.0.5 / JBoss EAP 5.0.0
Assumptions: - It is desired to retain and migrate existing tenant (in the case that there are multiple tenants and application data stored in the database to the new Interstage BPM version.
- It is desired to retain and migrate running process instances to the new Interstage BPM version.
- It is desired to ensure that e-mail notification functionality is retained during the migration.
- There aren’t any external Java Actions or Agents that need to be migrated.
Problem Description:Each upgrade situation/scenario may be slightly different depending on user needs/requirements. In any case, the InstallationGuide will not cover every single situation/scenario. This guide is intended to assist users with their upgrade from Interstage BPM version 11.1 to 11.2x based on the assumptions described above.
Solution:First and foremost- plan ahead. Start by reviewing section 9, “Upgrading Interstage BPM from Previous Versions” from the InstallationGuide PDF. The InstallationGuide PDF outlines the steps that are required. Then following the additional steps mentioned in the attachment below as supplementary steps where an upgrading situation is encountered based on the assumptioned above.
Author: Marc Bui