November 18, 2011 3:22:08 AM PST
Interstage BPM Analytics Version: V12 or higher.
This topic is describing how Typical Flow button will work for better understanding of what this button doing.
Analytics' Flow Viewer has Typical Flow display button. This button can be used for reduce complexity by eliminating complex and less common flows to focus on more common flows. This button is associated to flow frequency slider. Once this button clicked, the seek will start at the botton (0%) and considers the combined diagram with the most common path and looks to see if that is too complex. If not, then, it keeps moving the slider up until it reaches a point that it is too complex. Then it backs down to the diagram that is not overly complex.
The complexity is defined by 4 or more inbound or outbound arrows does each nodes have except INITIAL node, FINAL node and repetition arrows. For example, if one node has 4 outbound arrows, then this node is considered as complex node. The slider will back down to lower level once complex node was found. This approach was made by our engineers. They found out this approach is reasonably well by doing practical experiment. The statistical frequency of flow paths cannot be used for this purpose because in many cases a particular flow path occurs only once. The flow path is not a scalar value, and does not appear as a normal distribution of values.
Author: yuukitada