Interstage BPM Analytics Version: All versions
Pre-requisites: Downloaded the file (Please contact for this file)
Step 2: Open the command prompt and navigate to <JBoss Installation>/jboss-ibpma-win-service/sbin folder.
Step 3: Execute the command “IBPMAnalyticsService.bat install”
Step 4: Complete
*In order to set the Interstage IBPM Window Service to automatically start when the machine is started, the Interstage IBPM Windows Service Properties needs to be set. This can be done by navigating to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Select <Interstage BPM Analytics service> Right-click and select Properties, then set the “Start-up Type” to “Automatic”.
*In order to start the Interstage IBPM Windows Service manually, this can be done by navigating to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Select <Interstage BPM Analytics Service> > and selecting “Start” or the “net start IBPMAnalyticsService” command can be executed from the <JBoss Installation>/jboss-ibpma-win-service/sbin folder.
Step 2: Execute the command “IBPMAnalyticsService.bat uninstall”.
Step 3: Complete
Author: Marc Bui