Problem Description:
This error may be encountered after previewing your XBRL submission at The error may be similar to the following:
ERROR: All content MUST be ASCII
File: fujitsu-20101231.xml
Line number: 3
The first step is to identify where the non-ASCII character is found within the instance document. It is common for non-ASCII characters to be found in elements that are not of "textBlockItemType". If these characters appear in any different element type, you will not be able to use the "Correct Content" feature (only available to "textBlockItemType" elements) to trim/remove these unwanted characters.
For example, non-ASCII characters that can be found in a "stringItemType" element can include things such as:
-(Opening) double quotation marks
-(Closing) double quotation marks
Thereby, it is also recommended to output your instance in US-ASCII format and not UTF-8 format. This procedure within Instance Creator is as follows:
1. [Options] > [Output] and select "US-ASCII" as [Encoding].
2. [File] > [Save] (or [File] > [Save As]) to save your instance.
Author: Marc Bui